School Leadership
Interim Head of School Sue Roberts P '24, '27
Sue Roberts P '24, '27
"I am deeply honored to accept the appointment as Canterbury’s Interim Head of School. Having called this community my personal and professional home for more than two decades, I am fully committed to sustaining our tradition of excellence and the unmatched experience we offer to every student. Together, with our dedicated faculty and staff, I look forward to leading Canterbury through this exciting transition."
Board of Trustees
Mr. Nicholas Ragland ’88, P ’21 | President
Mr. John A. Donovan ’59 | Vice President
Ms. Carol Lovell Carmody P ’18 | Treasurer
Mrs. Mary Coleman Lynn ’90, P ’22, ’23 | Secretary
Mr. Peter J. Cotier ’86, P ’19, ’20 | Assistant Secretary
Ms. Dorothy L. Alpert ’78
Mr. Keith G. Angell ’75
Mr. Harold T. Clark III ’86, P ’22
Mr. Douglas M. Famigletti ’90, P ’25
Mrs. Holly Fedorcik P ’26
Mr. Lawrence P. Fisher II ’77
Mr. Sean F. Flanagan ’91, P ’23
Mr. Theodore C. Hollander ’82
Mr. Jeremiah E. Keefe P ’21, ’22
Mr. Stephen Kessing P ’20, ’22, ’26
Ms. Nancy B. Mulheren P ’03, ’13, GP ’24, ’28
Mrs. Nicole D’Amour Schneider ’93, P ’20, ’22, ’23
Mr. Justin Towey P '24
Mr. Donald Vincent ’83
Mrs. Nell P. Williams ’81
Mr. Robert L. Williams '90
President Emeritus
Mr. Robert H. Steers ’71, P ’11
Trustees Emeriti
Mr. James R. Briggs ’56, GP ’12,’15
Mrs. Hope Carter P ’86, ’87, ’88, ’91,’95, GP ’09, ’10, ’14
Mr. Denis P. Coleman, Jr. ’63, P ’97
Mr. Donn C. Dolce ’63, P ’01
Mr. John P. Duffy ’59, P ’87, ’91
Mr. John D. O'Neill ’57, P ’89
Dr. L. Michael Sheehy ’56
Mrs. Lauren J. Steers P '11
School Administration
Matthew Glaser '81
Director of Information Technology, Boys' JV Hockey Head Coach, Boys' JV Lacrosse Head Coach
Padraic McCarthy '94
Interim Director of Athletics and Co-Curriculars; Head Coach Boys' Varsity Hockey, Boys' Varsity Hockey Head Coach