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A Christmas Greeting for Our Community

Nighttime photos of wreaths on doors of Chapel of Our Lady


Dear Canterbury Community,

Bringing you Christmas greetings from the hilltop.

For those in our community who celebrate, Christmas highlights so many themes that are important to us as believers: that God sent His only Son to us as a human being to show us how to love and how to find our way to the Father; that He still makes His home with us through the Eucharist and the life of the Church; the way we welcome this season with long preparations and much anticipation shows that in our hearts we know that God’s presence in our lives is the greatest gift we have been given, or could be given.

The gifts we give to each other now serve as reminders of the greatest of gifts. 

For all of us, regardless of how we observe this time of year, it is a season to pause and cherish the connections we share—with family, friends, and the communities around us. It is a time to embrace gratitude, nurture hope, and renew our commitment to caring for one another. And for those who turn to the Church in prayer, may Mary, Notre Dame, guide us in following her example of saying yes to God’s invitation to welcome His Son into our lives. 

May the birth of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, Who is forever the light of the world, kindle love and hope in our hearts, our families, communities, and our world. Whether you celebrate this holy season through traditions of faith or embrace its universal message of peace and goodwill, may it fill your heart with joy and hope.

Wishing you a joyous Christmastide and a hope-filled New Year 2025!

Rev. Brendan Horan, S.J.