Fourth Form students took part in a community service activity and learned about civic engagement this weekend, in a New Milford community-wide event called Walk a Mile. Students rode to the local Big Y grocery store where they purchased a bag of groceries and walked a mile back to the New Milford Green to distribute the food at Social Services.
This is the 10th year that Canterbury has participated in the "Walk a Mile" foodraiser. The event gives students the opportunity to get to know each other as classmates while engaging with organizations in the area surrounding the School. "Walk a Mile" is one of many local efforts of New Milford Social Services to address hunger and combat food insecurity. It is also one of the many, dedicated Community Service events that Canterbury students participate in throughout the year. Following the momentum of the Fourth Form Retreat, students of all forms have traditionally begun to organize the School's Annual Food Drive in October and November for the same agency.
Tracy Garcia-LaVigne, Director of the Center for Spirituality, Service, and Justice, organized the Retreat with the help of the Fourth Form faculty advisors. Following the afternoon of service, students wrote reflections and shared their thoughts with their classmates. Abi King '21 noted:
As we were walking out of the grocery store, I came across a little girl. She was maybe around the age of 10, and she was directing people that were a part of the walk in the right direction. It was special to see someone so small taking part in something so big. After the retreat, I thought about the quote that we discussed earlier that week in class. The one about our faith and our works. During the retreat, we as a community demonstrated our faith by helping those in need. We worked together to help the cause by using our faith and to me that was really special.