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Athletics Schedule

4 lacrosse players standing on the field in their uniforms.


Date Range

Athletics Calendar

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Sunday, January 26
Monday, January 27
Girls' Varsity Squash @ Millbrook School
Millbrook School
Boys' Varsity Hockey @ Millbrook School
Millbrook School
Tuesday, January 28
Wednesday, January 29
Girls' Varsity Squash v Berkshire School
Saxe-Castellini - Squash Courts
Boys' 3rds Basketball v Kent School
Field House - Court 1
Boys' Varsity Swimming & Diving v Kent School
Pool - Higgins '53 Aquatic Center
Girls' JV Basketball @ Rumsey Hall School
Rumsey Hall School
Girls' Varsity Hockey v Taft School
O'Neill Ice Arena
Girls' Varsity Swimming & Diving v Kent Schoo
Pool - Higgins '53 Aquatic Center
Girls' JV Squash @ Westover School
Westover School
Boys JV Basketball @ Cheshire
Cheshire Academy
BVSQ: Boys' Varsity Squash @ Greenwich Country Day
CANCELLED: Boys' JV Squash v Taft School (3rds)
Saxe-Castellini - Squash Courts
Girls' JV Hockey @ Rumsey Hall School
Rumsey Hall School
Thursday, January 30
Friday, January 31
CANCELLED: Boys' JV Basketball v Taft School
Field House - Court 1
Saturday, February 1
Boys' JV Squash v Kent School
Saxe-Castellini - Squash Courts
Girls' Varsity Squash @ Williston Northampto
Williston Northampton School
Boys Varsity Squash v Suffield
Saxe-Castellini - Squash Courts
Girls' Varsity Hockey @ Berkshire School
Berkshire School
Boys JV Basketball vs. Pomfret
Field House - Court 1
Wrestling @ Taft School
Taft School
Boys' Varsity Hockey v Pomfret School
O'Neill Ice Arena
Girls' JV Hockey @ Taft School
Taft School
Sunday, February 2
Girls' Varsity Hockey @ Vermont Academy
Vermont Academy
Monday, February 3
Tuesday, February 4
Wednesday, February 5
Boys' JV Squash v Westminster School (3rds)
Saxe-Castellini - Squash Courts
Boys' JV Basketball @ Berkshire School
Berkshire School
Boys' Varsity Hockey v Berkshire School
O'Neill Ice Arena
Girls' JV Basketball @ Indian Mountain Sch
Indian Mountain School
Girls' JV Hockey @ Frederick Gunn School
Frederick Gunn School
Girls' Varsity Hockey @ The Hill School
The Hill School
Girls' JV Squash @ Suffield Academy
Suffield Academy
Girls' Varsity Squash @ Suffield Academy
Suffield Academy
CANCELLED: Boys' Varsity Squash @ Kingswood Oxford
Kingswood Oxford School
Boys' JV Hockey @ Millbrook School
Millbrook School
Girls' Varsity Basketball @ Frederick Gunn
Frederick Gunn School
Thursday, February 6
Friday, February 7
Saturday, February 8
Wrestling at Western New Englands
Marvelwood School
Sunday, February 9
Monday, February 10
Tuesday, February 11
Wednesday, February 12
Thursday, February 13
Sunday, February 16
Tuesday, February 18
Thursday, February 20
Tuesday, February 25
Thursday, February 27