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Student Leadership

Leadership isn’t something that we just talk about at Canterbury. It’s a combination of traits based on our Five Values — Honesty, Respect, Compassion, Spirituality, and Self-reliance — that we seek to instill in each of our students as they navigate their personal growth both on and off the hilltop. Particularly important at Canterbury, is the notion of servant leadership — a philosophy in which the main goal of the leader is to serve others. This ethos is integral to all we do here and to helping fulfill our mission of inspiring our students to become moral leaders in a complex, secular world.

Saints have the opportunity to take on leadership roles in all facets of their lives here. Whether in the dorm, on the playing field, or as a member of a club or group, they can learn and practice the skills necessary to become thoughtful and considerate leaders. Student leadership positions at Canterbury include:


Sacristan is one of the most respected and highly regarded student leadership positions at Canterbury, available for students to apply as they enter into their Sixth Form year. Personal character, demonstrated faith, and leadership qualities define those Sixth Formers who earn this position, as they help create the student culture at the School.

Sixth Form Council

The Sixth Form Council is in its fourth year, and members are elected by the rising Sixth Form each spring. The group is charged with fostering community on campus through events like the FGS Day (formerly Gunnery Day) pep-rally and Spirit Week, working with the Student Life Office and the Head of School on student initiatives, and running School Meeting each Friday. They set an example to their peers and to underformers by the way they live their life at school each day.

Boarding Proctor

Along with faculty dorm parents, Boarding Proctors live in the dorm with our students and are there to listen and look out for them. They help new and returning students move into their rooms, make sure they feel settled in, and help them adjust to the schedule and dorm rules. Serving as leaders and role models, they meet regularly with Dorm Heads, the Student Life Office and the Director of Counseling to discuss concerns raised by other students regarding dorm life.

Day Proctor

Day Proctors are selected from among the Sixth Form day students to serve as leaders and role models for all day students. Though they don't live on campus, they meet regularly with the Student Life staff to discuss concerns raised by the day students, and they handle issues of parking and appropriate behavior.

International Student Ambassador

Our International Student Ambassadors help new international students adjust to life at Canterbury. Throughout the year, they help plan opportunities for the entire community to share heritages, cultures, and cuisines.

Admissions Lead Ambassador

Lead Ambassadors, from a variety of backgrounds and interests, work with our Admission Office to give tours, greet prospective families, and provide the student perspective of life on the hilltop. They are here to help answer any questions that prospective students may have about the Admission process as well as residential life, athletic requirements, and the Canterbury community. 

Athletic Team Captain

Team captains are experienced athletes who exemplify a positive attitude, good sportsmanship, and commitment to their team and coaches. Captains lead their team by example and help run practices and workouts.  

Interfaith Council

Open to students of any form, the Interfaith Council works to create space on campus for students who identify with any spirituality or religion, or who are exploring their own faith questions. The council works in tandem with the Sacristans to lead Form Retreats, as well as to create a space of welcome and inclusion within our community through interfaith prayer services, events, and dialogue. Students may apply to become part of the Interfaith Leadership team.