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Dress Code

Canterbury believes that the classroom dress should reflect the seriousness of academic pursuits. Therefore, all clothing must be neat, clean, respectful, and professional and worn throughout the entirety of the Academic Day: from 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday; from 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday and Saturday; and during Sunday Mass and Brunch.  All students participating in class are expected to adhere to this dress code. Exceptions to Canterbury Dress Code must be pre-approved by the Student Life Office and/or Canterbury Health Center staff.  

(updated July 15, 2024)

Classroom Dress 

A tucked-in button-down shirt with a collar, a golf/polo shirt (2-3 button) with a collar, or a formal blouse must be worn with chino/khaki pants, corduroys, or a skirt. A cardigan sweater, quarter zip sweater or V-neck sweater is acceptable over a tucked-in button-down shirt with a collar, a golf/polo shirt (2-3 button) with a collar, or a formal blouse. Dresses are also acceptable except those that are strapless. Students must be clean-shaven and covered from mid-chest to mid-thigh. 

Canterbury apparel that meets the above requirements is also allowed. This includes quarter zip and V-neck sweaters but does not include sweatshirts, hooded or otherwise.

Slippers, flip-flops, shorts, tank tops, t-shirts, baseball hats, ear/headphones, crop tops, sweatshirts of any kind, hooded or otherwise, sweatpants, joggers, leggings, and denim are not permitted for Classroom Dress or Formal Dress unless specifically approved by the Student Life Office.

Saints Formal Dress

Students should expect to be in Formal Dress at least once a week on Tuesdays during the fall semester and at least once a week during the spring semester. There will also be regular occasions when Formal Dress Code is required (e.g., special meals, specific Form events, award assemblies). Formal Dress includes:

  • Dresses or skirts with button-down or dress shirt and formal shoes. Sleeveless and spaghetti-strap dresses must be worn with a cardigan sweater or a blazer.
  • Blazer, button-down shirt, tie, chinos/khaki pants, and formal shoes.

Saints Spirit Dress

Spirit Dress may be announced in conjunction with a sporting event, for example. Spirit dress includes a Canterbury top, shirt, or sweatshirt and can be worn with jeans, sweatpants, joggers, or leggings.